
Did Someone Say Double Unicorn?

My first published short story, In the Black, was released 3 months ago and today, The Phoenix Initiatives: First Missions (the anthology including my story) earned a double unicorn! What is a double Unicorn, you may ask? A Unicorn is earned when a book receives 50 reader reviews. When it gets 100 reviews, it earns a double unicorn. Thank you to everyone who has read it and left a review. If you haven’t yet, want to know what the excitement is all about? Read below for all the details:

Lydia Price has a problem.

Her bar, Danny’s Dugout, is about to be seized due to back taxes. With everyone’s GiGi stipends dried up, there are no customers. No customers = no profits, but tell that to Mr. Jericho, the “Tax Man.”

Out of options, she is forced to take a contract from a Zuparti who seemingly will make her problem disappear. All she and her new Company have to do is evict a small group of Selroth from an off-world facility and hold it until he can dispatch another Company to secure his interests.

Like most things in life, this contract is not what it seems.

Lydia and her Pilgrims must decide whether to complete the contract, knowing it was offered under false pretenses, or do the right thing and lose everything, including her bar - and the only tangible connection she has to her deceased husband - in the process.


New Release Coming Out Friday!

The newest anthology in the Four Horsemen Universe comes out this Friday! The Phoenix Initiative: First Missions contains my first published short story, In the Black, and I am so excited to share it with you!

Lydia Price has a problem.

Her bar, Danny’s Dugout, is about to be seized due to back taxes. With everyone’s GiGi stipends dried up, there are no customers. No customers = no profits, but tell that to Mr. Jericho, the “Tax Man.”

Out of options, she is forced to take a contract from a Zuparti who seemingly will make her problem disappear. All she and her new Company have to do is evict a small group of Selroth from an off-world facility and hold it until he can dispatch another Company to secure his interests.

Like most things in life, this contract is not what it seems.

Lydia and her Pilgrims must decide whether to complete the contract, knowing it was offered under false pretenses, or do the right thing and lose everything, including her bar - and the only tangible connection she has to her deceased husband - in the process.